web http://www.lovearugambay.com
FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Arugam-Bay-Beachwear/
Arugam Bay Showroom, 1st Floor, 32 Ward Place, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka.

Arugam Bay beachwear also became the first Sri Lankan brand to launch a limited edition collection of flip flops with Spain's No. 1 designer Agatha Ruiz De La Prada. Arugam Bay beachwear has just introduced a new line of colourful beach sandals, the colours so delicious they are called CandyFloss. From the hottest bikinis to simple one piece swimsuits, the ladies are bound to find something sexy to sun in. Arugam Bay is the brainchild of Ajaiy Virr Singh – the mastermind behind the HSBC Colombo Fashion Week. A dynamic force behind the local fashion industry, Ajaiy has launched several other Sri Lankan fashion labels such as String Hopper and Conscience. source: http://www.dailymirror.lk/entertainment

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